No War! Stay With Ukraine

Dear Friends!
Ukrainian need our help right now! Every little donation will save a life and give hope!

Donation wallets:

Bitcoin: bc1q5jzk5xxez7xke82g4fslk2gaevx2syzyrx8vt9
Ethereum: 0xe8d995F329a2845628D747636738239Aa8A194A6
ERC20 – Tether USDT/USDC: 0xe8d995F329a2845628D747636738239Aa8A194A6
Litecoin: ltc1q27envtwjk25lz0pgzafn5ugwgrmp4q5dp3fuql
Dogecoin: DJLfx2jvqS7t7DPdkqU39LUeoPP9LvioPb

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There’s a Mulligan for That!

The Power of Mulligans is all about giving and taking second chances in our quest to achieve success and wellness, develop into our best selves and to help others do likewise. As we allow ourselves do-overs we learn and profit from our mistakes. By giving mulligans to others, both parties benefit from the experience.

Shakespeare taught:

The quality of mercy is not strain’d

                  It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven

                  Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest:

                  It blesseth him that gives and him that takes.

–from The Merchant of Venice Act 4, scene 1, 180-187

In modern parlance mercy or forgiveness must be given freely. Then, the Law of the Harvest takes over. In simple terms, we understand this to be that a man reaps what he sows. But, in the context of both an immutable law of nature and a tiny seed producing manifold harvest of fruit, grain, etc., this can be re-stated as follows:

Whatsoever a person gives freely must, by law, come back to that person with increase.This law is fundamental to the Mulligan Principle, which states:

While it’s true that we only have one life to live, there is no rule that says we only get one chance to live it well!


Through the application of these principles we give permission to one another to be human. We stop beating ourselves and others up over petty little mistakes or even big ones. We move forward and we allow those around us to move forward as beneficiaries of lessons learned.

So, if you dare to accept the challenge to start giving yourself second chances to achieve your dream, stay tuned—there’s a mulligan for that!


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