The New Happiness

Subjective well-being is the new happiness!  Or at least it is the way people evaluate how happy they are both in the long- and short-term.

A few weeks ago in the Deseret News, Lois Collins told us that getting happy can benefit our physical and emotional health and even boost longevity.

Although you can read her full article here: , I’ll save you the trouble.  Happiness is more important than eating vegetables!!  That’s the takeaway!

Quoting Dr. Edward F. Diener, AKA “Dr. Happiness”: “We are showing that happiness has an influence on health—maybe not quite as big as not smoking, but it’s pretty big and it’s bigger than eating your vegetables.”

That was so big, I included it again!

Of course, you could research the boring details about how religion, education, marriage, love, social capital, blah, blah, blah, impact your happiness quotient (I think this is my term, though I’m sure to have plagiarized it from somewhere).  You could try to grow happiness or follow a specific recipe, or you could just jump on the Mulligans bandwagon.

Go on, give yourself a break!

Need a second chance to finish that nagging chore or polish that report for work?  Take a Mulligan!  After all, you just learned something awesome by do it wrong the first time or not doing it at all.  This time you can do it better.

And while you’re at it, give someone else a break today when they do something that annoys you.  After all, if you get all grumpy about it, you’ll just have to eat more vegetables!


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